Factory for rent Long Thanh

We present a factory for rent Long Thanh in An Phuoc, Go Dau, Long Duc, Long Thanh...

Factories for rent in Long Thanh

The ready built factory for rent Long Thanh can manufacture remediation activities and other waste management services, construction of buildings, civil engineering, specialised construction activities, wholesale and retail trade and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles...

Rental factory Long Thanh

We present a rental factory Long Thanh in Loc An, Binh Son, Phuoc Binh, cao Amata...

Rental factories in Long Thanh

The ready built rental factory Long Thanh can manufacture land transport and transport via pipelines, water transport, air transport, warehousing and support activities for transportation, postal and courier activities, accomodation...

Factories for rent in Long Thanh

Factory for rent Long Thanh

750 m2 to 9500 m2

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Factory for rent Long Thanh

250 m2 to 6500 m2

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Factory for rent Long Thanh

500 m2 to 7500 m2

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Rental factory Long Thanh

500 m2 to 9500 m2

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Rental factory Long Thanh

600 m2 to 7500 m2

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Rental factory Long Thanh

700 m2 to 8500 m2

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Factory for rent Long Thanh

300 m2 to 5500 m2

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Factory for rent Long Thanh

800 m2 to 9500 m2

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Factory for rent Long Thanh

550 m2 to 6500 m2

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